Artist Artist
Project Project
You’ve always dreamed of renting a garden gnome to mow your lawn, look after your kids, wash your car, or go to the restaurant with you ? Thanks to the Living Gnomes Rental Agency, founded by Jacques-Olivier André, all this is now possible. Rented for two days by a Neuchâtel family with four children, the artist observes: “l didn’t have anything tricky to do. They took me with them for a boat ride, for a drive, to the restaurant (where they had to assume responsibility for me, explain my presence and my gear…)”.
Marc-Olivier Wahler translated by Simon Pleasance
Opening September 7 1996
Exhibition from September 8 to October 27 1996
vue de l’exposition, 1996
vue de l’exposition, 1996
Visuel de l’exposition Priape Rêve de Blanc
CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel, Priape Rêve de Blanc