
In addition to exhibitions, events and activities, the CAN also produces its own publications and editions.

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Publications and editions

Denise Bertschi & Pedro Zylbersztajn: Export Quality Poetry (1924–2024), 2024

Illustrations: color
Pages: 137
Format: Soft cover, 16×24 cm
Languages: English and Portuguese
Design: Páginas (São Paulo, BR)
Publisher: CAN, 2024
Price: CHF 18.–, € 19.–

Jeanne Jacob: Tu vois je m’occupe de tes oignons, 2024
Publication There are many ways to tell a story this is one of them

This first monograph on the work of artist Jeanne Jacob is published to coincide with the exhibition I just truly want to listen to you and myself genuinely, please doudou [Kiefer Hablitzel | Göhner Art Prize 2023] held at CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel in spring 2024. In the form of a personal archive, this publication brings together over 200 images of works created by the artist from 2018 onwards. Imagined in collaboration with the graphic designers of 7er Studio, the book brings together fragments and details of paintings, drawings, texts, documentation of exhibitions and performances, and studio views. The book begins with a handwritten letter from Jeanne Jacob, the first lines of which appear below:

There are many ways to tell a story
this is one of them

Illustrations: color
Pages: 356
Format: Soft cover, open thread stitching, inlaid poster, 11.5×16.5 cm
Languages: French and English
Design: 7er Studio
Publisher: CAN, VfmK and Jeanne Jacob, 2024
Price: CHF 18.-

Isabelle Andriessen: DORM, 2022
Publication Catalogue of the exhibitions DORM (2021) et BUNK (2021)

Isabelle Andriessen investigates ways to physically animate inanimate (synthetic) materials in order to provide them with their own metabolism, behavior and agency. Her sculptures are agents inhabiting the liminal space between sculpture and performance, composed of materials that act and evolve, seemingly beyond control and often irreversibly. On the occasion of the exhibitions DORM (2021) and BUNK (2021), this publication brings together three distinct voices. Sci-f writer and art critic Mark Von Schlegell contributes a short story in which an engineer is trying to locate a lost AI as a spaceship hurdles of course. In an autonomous photo series photographer Nikola Lamburov reimagines Andriessen’s sculptures, capturing their processes in sticky, eerie and surreal landscapes. Through fractals, liquids, vapors and metals, curator Laura McLean-Ferris’s essay traces the state changes that are enacted across Andriessen’s works, and in doing so finds systems of porous entanglement that flourish in a world without humans.

Texts by Mark von Schlegell, Nikola Lamburov, Laura McLean-Ferris, Becket Flannery

Illustrations: color
Pages: 120
Format: Softcover, 24×30 cm
Language: english
Graphism: Sabo Day
Edition: CAN, Mousse Publishing and Isabelle Andriessen, 2022
Price: CHF 28.– / € 27 .–

La psychologie des serrures, 2021
Publication Catalogue of the exhibition La psychologie des serrures

This catalog brings together texts and images from La psychologie des serrures, an exhibition conceived in collaboration with the gallery Sans titre (2016) and the CAN team. It brought together during the winter 2020–2021 the works of Hadas Auerbach, Alex Ayed, Robert Brambora, Zuzanna Czebatul, Manuela Gernedel & Fiona Mackay, Jacent, Sarah Margnetti, Hamish Pearch and Ruiz Stephinson.

Illustrations: color/black-white
Pages: 152
Format: 20×14 cm
Languages: french/english
Graphism: Claudia Mougin
Edition: CAN, 2021
Price: CHF 18.- / € 15.-

Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge, 2021
Publication Magazine-guide accompanying the exhibition Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge

Publication that accompanies the eponymous exhibition open from June 26 to August 8, 2021 at the CAN. This heterogeneous magazine-guide proposes an alternative approach of the different practices of the contributors. With various appendices and a dedicated web page, it links images, texts, videos and audios that extend the development of their proposals and explain their questioning.

Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge is the second occurrence of a project initiated in 2019. Now tinged with a subtitle, it indicates a cosmological tendency, partly real, partly metaphorical; oriented perhaps less towards our lakeside pleasures, perhaps more towards our current drifts. A mixture of nightmares, growth and sometimes uneasy nostalgia, this new installment sweeps away notions of idleness and relaxation, to make room for disturbances, atrocities, struggles, severed heads, but also hope, community and non-human.

Artists: Apian (Ellen Lapper and Aladin Borioli), Yves Blanc, Early Labyrinth & Sol Calero, Marie Griesmar/rrreefs, Renaud Loda, Raphaëlle Mueller, MACACO Press (Sabrina Fernández Casas and Patricio Gil Flood), Colin Raynal, Francisco Sierra, Jan van Oordt, Holly White + Guests


Illustrations: color
Pages: 96 + annexes
Format: 16,5 x 22,5 cm
Languages: french/english
Graphic design: AMI – Adeline Senn, Martin Maeder
Edition: CAN, 2021
Price: CHF 5.–

Knives, 2020
Edition Ceramic edition created by the artist Hadas Auerbach


Hadas Auerbach produces an edition of 23 copies as part of the exhibition La psychologie des serrures.
Each copy is unique, handmade by the artist.

See the complete list: PDF

Hadas Auerbach, Knives, 2020
Edition 1–23/23
Ceramic and enamel
Variable sizes
Price: CHF 220.-

Sympathie, 2020
Publication The temporal synthesis of the evolutionary and challenging exhibition questioning the very role of the art center (each work is presented by photographs taken during all the phases and transformations of the exhibition).

The exhibition Sympathie should be read as the acclimatization period for the new CAN team, who arrived in autumn 2018. Accompanied by a group of artists and supportive collaborators, its members have questioned the role of the art center and worked together on its symbolic reorganization. This publication reflects the range of perspectives offered by this evolving project. Each work is presented by photographs taken during all the phases and transformations of the exhibition; they reflect its temporality through chronological sequencing and compose together a unique archive.

Artists: Battle-ax, DaVaD MiRoRiM, Livia Di Giovanna, Dany Digler aka Trash Mantra, Fez Momo, Frédéric Gabioud, Michèle Graf & Selina Grüter, Antoine Guay & Jony Valado, Anne Sylvie Henchoz, Sara Ivone, Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Sophie Jung, Sonia Kacem – Bea McMahon, Mister Milano, Musique Chienne, Jeremy Nedd, Blaise Parmentier, Guillaume Pellay, Belle Poudre (Dirk Bell et Reto Pulfer), Marion Ritzmann, Denis Savary, Anaïs Wenger, Y Otras Chicas, Sophie Yerly

Illustrations: color
Pages: 88
Format: 21,4 x 31 cm
Languages: french/english
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2020
Price: CHF 24.-

Indice Ultraviolet, 2020
Publication The questions, experiences and knowledge assimilated during the Indice Ultraviolet project.

Project Indice Ultraviolet took place from June 5th to July 6th 2019.

Marie-Morgane Adatte, Caroline Busta, Maëlle Dreier, Théo Fischer, Marie Griesmar, Gino, Daniel Keller, Renaud Loda, Andrea Marioni, Maud Oïhénart, MACACO Press (Sabrina Fernández Casas et Patricio Gil Flood), Julia Perazzini, Colin Raynal, Sun Cousto, Liza Trottet

Illustrations: color/black-white
Pages: 224
Graphism: Julien Fischer
Format: 15 x 20 cm
Language: french
Edition: CAN, 2020
Price: out of stock


Room 4, 2020
Edition Stools (40 numbered copies) used as seating for the sound performance program of the Room 4 project

This edition of 40 stools was conceived by Lucas Uhlmann as part of Room 4, a space dedicated to sound performances between the 22nd of November and the 14th of December 2019 in the CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel. The stools were made available to the public around the bar and in the concert room as part of a whole environment. They now remain as the relics of intangible moments shared between the audience and the artists.

Artist: Lucas Uhlmann
Dimensions: H 82cm – W 55cm – L 33cm
CNC Machining: Laporch sàrl, Bussy-sur-MoudonLacquering: Busch SA, Morrens
Packaging: Bourquin SA, Couvet
Graphic design: Current
Edition: CAN, 2020
Price: CHF 140.-


Mosset/Christophe, 2019
Edition The singer Christophe set interviews of Olivier Mosset to music, made and cut by Marie Villemin and Martin Widmer.

The idea for this outstanding project was inspired by Christophe’s piece entitled «interview de» in which the whimsical singer uses his own interviews to transform them into a song. This system has been used by Christophe several times in his career. When in 2017, Marie Villemin and Martin Widmer worked on Olivier Mosset’s exhibition project, they became aware of the importance of the interviews conducted by the painter and decided to focus on this aspect of the artist. They then think back to this work by Christophe and, after several adventures, they contact the singer and send him an audio assembly consisting of cut-outs of interviews they had conducted with Olivier Mosset. To their great surprise, Christophe agreed to work on the project and create a sound universe around the artist’s words. The disc is a maxi 45t composed of a side A which gathers the musical piece of about ten minutes, and a side B which receives a visual.

Launch : July 6th, 2019

Artists: Olivier Mosset, Christophe
Music and recording: Christophe
Vinyle Maxi 45t.
Format: 12″
Side A: audio 10 minutes
Side B: visuel
Cover art: Martin Widmer
Mixing: Olivier Leducq « Duke Salomon », Cosmos Studio, Paris
Mastering: Flo Kaufmann
Engraving: Flo Kaufmann
Production monitoring and pressing: Simon Riat
Edition: CAN, 2019
Price: CHF 25.-


Neo Geography, 2019
Publication Publication based on the eponymous exhibitions organised at the CAN, Neuchâtel, and Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul, bringing together the work of six Swiss and Korean artists, as well as unpublished texts by Korean curators and theorists.

The encounter between two scenes, Swiss and South Korean. The occasion to rethink an exhibition format, the exchange between two art centres. These were the premises of Neo Geography I & II, a project involving three artists based in Switzerland – Chloé Delarue, Tatiana Rihs, Matthias Sohr – and three Korean artists – Yuri An, Hwayeon Nam, Jeehee Park. The six works produced especially for Neo Geography from the invitation of the curators Kyung Roh Bannwart and Adeena Mey to respond to their research, an attempt to go beyond certain curatorial contingencies. Its subjects were the architectural critics Sigfried Giedion and Young Bae Ahn whose textual and photographic montages drew a conceptual link between the two countries, the exhibition appropriating this exchange which, although it did not take place, offered a potential, actualised by the project.

Functioning both as the catalogue of the two exhibitions, at CAN and then at Post Territory Ujeongguk in Seoul in 2017, and including a series of texts by Korean curators and theorists, as well as by the project’s curators, this publication extends the research initiated around modernist thinking and the possibilities they offer to contemporary artists, between Switzerland and South Korea.


Illustrations: Color / Black-White
Pages: 176
Format: 17cm x 24cm
Language(s): English / Korean
Graphism: Notter + Vigne
Edition: CAN, 2019
Price: CHF 35.-


L’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses Expériences de guérison (box-set), 2018
Publication A game of cards and strategy based on the experience of healing attempted for the 20th anniversary of CAN.

Catalogu of the exhibition L’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses transformed into a card game.

Artistes: Luke Abbott, Christian Addor, Tapes Adventure, Yvan Alvarez, David Amaral, Dorine Aguerre, Murmures Barbares, Kim Seob Boninsegni, AJIKA, David Ashby, Julien Baillod, Massimiliano Baldassarri, Kyung Roh Bannwart, Sacha Béraud, Tonino De Bernardi, Vanessa Billy, Blanktapes, Fabian Boschung, Lupo Borgonovo, Bruno Botella, Harold Bouvard, Giovanni Carmine (Kunsthalle St-Gallen), Les frères Chapuisat, Jérémy Chevalier, Henry Collins, Héron Cool, Marie Cool Fabio Balducci, Philippe Daerendinger, Tom Dale, Madame Dame, Sinner DC, Baudouin De Jaer, Dejode & Lacombe, Dany Digler, Camille Ducellier, Emmanuel Paxon Dupasquier, Eric Duyckaerts, Pia Epremian De Silvestris, Lugano Fell, Lionel Ferchaud, Fred Fischer, Laurent Flutsch, Luke Fowler, FU, Massimo Furlan, Adrian Gaille, Pierre Gattoni, Kester Güdel, H., Johnny Haway, Tarik Hayward, Ionic South, John Isaacs, Martin Jakob, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, François Jaques, Georg Keller, Markus Kummer, Renaud Loda, Francisco da Mata, Guy Meldem, Mental Groove (Olivier Ducret), Flavio Merlo, Metzger & Bauer, Wyrding Module, Nicolas Momein, Dr. Nezumi, Gyan Panchal, Papiro, Julia Perazzini, Matthieu Pilloud, Sam Porritt, Pùrpura, Léopold Rabus, Till Rabus, Nicolas Raufaste, Marco Repetto, Christophe Rey, Sylviane Röösli, Mario Sancho, Valerio Scamuffa, Fabio Scandura, Christian Schneider, Xavière Sennac, A. Spring, Aymeric Tarrade, Squares and Triangles, Javier Téllez, Swann Thommen, Brynjar Thorsson, Mélissa Tun Tun, Turbosieste, Uiutna, U-Zehn, Jean-Thomas Vannotti, Sebastien Verdon, Mélanie Veuillet, Serge Vuille, Christian Waldvogel, Galaxia Wang, Wildrfid, Yinsh, ZOV…

Concept: Bruno Botella & Arthur de Pury
Writing: CAN team & Bruno Botella
Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 2 games of 65 cards and 1 booklet
Format: 17cm x 20cm
Language: French
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2018
Price: CHF 30.-

Anything by the Smiths, 2018
Publication Exhibition catalog

A look back at two of Jonathan Monk’s same shows at the CAN, 17 years apart in 2015 and 1997.

During the show that ran at CAN from 25 May to 6 July 1997, the press release announced the following: “Anything by the Smiths. In his way, going back over the founding myths of modern art, the young British artist Jonathan Monk conjures up by turns (and simultaneously, too, at times) Rock & Roll, football and pub culture. Aware of the themes in play, the artist smokes his last cigarette and bucks himself up by listening to the sound of waves in a shell. Here is finally a show that will fuel conversations in stadiums and bars (where the artist performs from time to time).”

Artists: Jonathan Monk
Author: Marc-Olivier Wahler
Illustrations: Color
Pages: 28
Format: 22cm x 32cm
Languages: French / English
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2018
Price: CHF 12.-


Bye-bye la compagnie, 2018
Edition 11 proposals from artist of the eponimous exhibition

This edition follow the Bye-bye la compagnie project, which took place from October 14 to December 15, 2016 in temporary place due to renovations at CAN.

Contents of the edition:
Massimiliano Baldassarri & Jean-Baptiste Ganne, Les deux faces de la même médaille, vinyl
Bruno Botella, Prémisses d’une conversion (des chiffres à la sauvagerie), publication, offset print
CAN team, Bye-bye la conclusion et colophon, photocopy
Mutual, Blog of Bye-bye la compagnie (excerpts), publication, photocopies
Mutual, Program of the Event of Bye-bye la compagnie, photocopy
FEC (Fraction Extrême Centre), Agiotage, print on typographic press Heidelberg
Fucking Good Art, Pascal Gielen about The murmuring of the artistic multitude, poster, offset print
Mohéna Kühni, Le canard mouillé, screen print on fabric
Renaud Loda, Balo, pebble hangraved
RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), Le Manifeste de la Richesse, poster, offset print
Sebastien Verdon, No Grain No Gain No Grain No Graino, publication, offset print

Illustrations: Color
Format: 32cm x 32cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: CAN, 2018
Price: open price

qotrob, 2017
Publication Hallucinogenetic experiments and Persan lycanthropy

Artist: Bruno Botella
Authors: Bruno Botella, Daniel Heller-Roazen, Bertrand Thierry de Crussol des Épesse
Illustrations: Black/White
Pages: 224
Format: 12cm x 18.5cm
Language(s): French
Graphism: Jean-Marie Courant for Catalogue Général
Edition: CAN and Catalogue Général, 2017
Price: CHF 14.-

Serpent, 2015
Publication Photographic work

Photographs by Martin Widmer, taken in the exhibition by Jonathan Binet Justesse et Quiproquo at CAN in 2014

Artists: Jonathan Binet, Martin Widmer
Author: Marie Villemin
Illustrations: Color
Pages: 48
Format: 23.5cm x 33.8cm
Languages: Français/Anglais
Graphism: Möslang & Möslang
Edition: CAN, 2015
Price: CHF 30.-

T-shirt l’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses, 2015

T-shirts produced during the exhibition L’Hospice des Milles-Cuisses in 2015

Colors : White / Grey / Yellow / Blue
Sizes : XS / S / M / L / XL
Design: Möslang & Möslang
Edition : CAN, 2015
Price : CHF 30.-

Superamas, 2014
Publication Catalogue/coffret de l'exposition Superamas

4 booklets of the exhibition Superamas and vinyle of the concert by Damo Suzuki and the Fume au CAN.

Artistes: Bruno Botella, Marie Cool & Fabio Balducci, Bruno Jakob, Sarah Lis, Andrew Lord, Pierre Vadi, Maxime Bondu, Les frères Chapuisat, Markus Kummer, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Arno Pearl, Bénédicte le Pimpec, Sebastien Verdon, Mara Züst, l’équipe du CAN, Anna-Maria Bauer, Kim Seob Boninsegni, Ulla von Brandenburg, Philippe Daerendinger, Mark Divo, Fred Fischer, Lionel Ferchaud, Marie Hendriks, Jérôme Hentsch, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Gunilla Klingberg, Slavek Kwi, Jérôme Leuba, Alexandra Leykauf, Beat Lippert, Hazem El Mestikaway, Timo Nasseri, Peter Regli, Benjamin Valenza, Zimoun, Damo Suzuki and the Fume, Stephan Freivogel, Laurent Montaron, Nicolas Provost, Fabin Boschung & Renaud Loda, Jérémy Chevalier, Philippe Daerendinger avec Guy Meldem et Tatiana Rihs, Matthieu Pillod, Marion Tampon-Lajarriette, Sebastien Verdon

Authors: CAN team, artists
Illustrations: Noir/Blanc
Pages: 144
Format: 33cm x 33cm
Language: anglais
Photographies: Anton Satus
Graphism: Möslang & Möslang
Edition: CAN, 2014
Price: CHF 36.-

The Fourth Wall, 2013
Publication exhibition catalog of the collectif_fact

This book was published on occasion of the exhibition The Fourth Wall at the CAN in 2013.

Artists: collectif_fact (Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet)
Authors: collectif_fact (Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet), collage of texts and extracts by CAN team
Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 47
Format: 19cm x 27cm
Languages: Français/Anglais
Photographies: Anton Satus
Graphism : Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2013
Price: CHF 15.-

Erratique, 2013
Publication Book dedicated to the two versions of the work "Erratique" of the Chapuisat Brothers

Artists: Les Frères Chapuisat
Authors: Sacha Goerg, Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Arthur de Pury, Yves Rosset, Marie Villemin et Marie Léa Zwahlen

Illustrations: Color
Pages: 176
Graphism: Les Frères Chapuisat
Format: 17cm x 23cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: TATSA, 2013
Price: CHF 34.-

In Wood We Trust, 2013
Publication Monography

Artists: Les Frères Chapuisat
Authors: Estelle Dorsaz, Sacha Goerg, Emmanuelle Lequeux and Arthur de Pury

Illustrations: Couleur
Pages: 176
Graphism: Les Frères Chapuisat
Format: 17cm x 23cm
Languages: Français / Anglais
Edition: TATSA, 2013
Price: CHF 34.-

Raphaël Zarka, 2012
Publication Monography

Artist: Raphaël Zarka
Authors: Guillaume Désanges, Didier Semin, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Christophe Gallois

Illustrations: Color
Pages: 236
Format: 19,5 cm x 26 cm
Languages: French / English
Graphism: deValence
Edition: B42 2012
Price: CHF 15.-

RUN – Olivier Mosset, Christina Da Silva, 2012
Edition DVD

Artists: Olivier Mosset, Christina Da Silva

DVD, 25 copies numbered and signed
Duration: 22’40”
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Format: 16:9 PAL
Edition: CAN, 2012
Price: 150.-



Les Héros de la Pensée, 2012
Publication Transcription of a 26-hour conversation-performance

Complete transcription of the twenty-six hours of debates constituting the performance Les héros de la pensée. Proposed by Massimo Furlan and Clair de Ribaupierre organized by CAN at the Interlope bar. It started on January 21st 2012 at noon.

Artists : Massimon Furlan, Claire de Ribaupierre
Participants : Marc Augé, Pierre-Olivier Dittmar, Bastien Gallet, Emmanuel Giraud, Daniel Fabre, Jacques Hainard, Serge Margel, David Zerbib
Score : Baudoin de Jaer

Illustrations : Black / White
Pages : 612
Format : 16,5 cm x 24 cm
Language : Français
Graphism : Noémie Gygax
Edition : Massimon Furlan / Numéro23Prod & CAN, 2012
Price : CHF 34 .-

Common Assembly, 2011
Publication Deterritorializing the Palestinian Parliament

The DAAR collective based in Beit Sahour in Cisjordania takes the Palestinian parliament building in Abu Dis as a paradigmatic example of the Palestinian situation. A booklet dedicated to this exhibition has been published.

Artists: DAAR, Decolonizing Architecture/Art Residency
Authors: DAAR, Decolonizing Architecture/Art Residency
Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 30
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Language: Anglais
Edition: CAN, 2011
Price: CHF 5.-


Summerlab – Hyperactivité, 2010
Publication Exhibition's documentation and Programm

Authors: Arthur de Pury, Daniel Suter
Illustrations: Black/White
Pages: 34
Graphism: Sebastien Verdon
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: CAN et Marks Blond Project R.f.z.K, 2010
Price: CHF 10.-

BADD – Katia Bassanini, 2010
Edition DVD

Artist: Katia Bassanini

DVD, 150 copies numbered
Duration: 43 minutes
Format: 16:9 PAL
Edition: CAN, 2010
Price: CHF 100.-


Phénoménologie de l’irrationnel, 2009
Publication Monography of the artist Martin Widmer

Artist: Martin Widmer
Authors: Jean-Christophe Blaser, Christophe Doswald, Arthur de Pury

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 128
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Format: 17cm x 24cm
Languages: French / German
Edition: Analogues and CAN, 2009
Price: CHF 39.-

Eternal Tour 2009, 2009
Publication XYZ art and science festival

Founded in 2007 in Geneva and recreated in Neuchâtel in 2008, the association Eternal Tour organizes every year a ten-day festival in different cities. Several general themes structure the association’s research: the notion of physical, geographical or conceptual borders; mobility and porosity; the cosmopolitanism of the 21st century and the representation of the Other.

This publication appears on the occasion of the 2009 edition of the Eternal Tour festival which took place in the canton of Neuchâtel.

Authors: Kader Attia, Donatella Bernardi et Noémie Etienne, Jean-Christophe Blaser
Artists : Kader Attia, Sammy Baloji, Davide Cascio, etc…

Illustrations: Colors / Black-White
Pages: 248
Graphism: Rollergirl
Format: 20cm x 26cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: Gilles Attinger SA 2009
Prix: CHF 35.-

Accélération, 2007
Publication Exhibition catalog

Authors: Medhi Belhaj Kacem, Joël Vacheron, Marc Olivier Wahler, Patrick Weidmann

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 160
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Format: 16.5cm x 23cm
Language: French
Edition: JRP/Ringier, 2007
Price: CHF 38.-

PAC, 2005

Artists: PAC
Authors: Manuel Polmar, Rein Wolfs, PAC, A+

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 39
Graphism: 9•6 Andreas Kreienbühl
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / Englisch / German
Edition: Societé Suisse des Beaux-Arts (SSBA), Schweizerischer Kunstverein (SVK), CAN, Kunstpanorama, Schwabe Verlag, 2005
Price: CHF 10.-

Felice Varini, 2003

Author: Jean-Christophe Blaser
Artist : Felice Varini

Illustrations : Colors
Pages : 6
Format : 15cm x 21cm
Language : French
Edition : CAN, 2003
Price : CHF 2.-


Carl André, Alan Charlton, Niele Toroni, 2002
Publication Exhibition catalog

Authors: Olivier Mosset, Eva Meyer-Hermann et Michael Steger
Artists : Carl André, Alan Charlton, Niele Toroni

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 64
Graphism: Inox Graphic Design
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: CAN, 2002
Price: CHF 19.50


5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 – CAN, 2000
Publication Catalog of the CAN's exhibitions between 1995 and 2000

Artists: …
Authors: Marc-Olivier Wahler with contributions from Jean Collet, Alexandre Szames, Ivo Zanetti, Allan Kaprow and others authors of the section “Vivre l’art aujourd’hui”.

Illustrations: Colors / Black-white
Pages: 244
Graphism: Inox Graphic Design
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Language: French
Edition: CAN, 2000
Price: CHF 15.-

One Minute Sculptures – Erwin Wurm, 1999
Edition VHS

Artist: Erwin Wurm

VHS, 20 copies
Duration: 5 minutes 58 seconds
Format: 4:3 PAL
Edition: CAN, 1999
Price: sold out


Deux sculptures avec hélicoptère – Roman Signer, 1999

Artist: Roman Signer

VHS, 100 copies numbered
Duration: 7 minutes 20 seconds
Format: 4:3 PAL
Edition: CAN, 1999
Price: CHF 100.-

Erwin Wurm – One Minute Sculptures, 1999

Artist: Erwin Wurm
Authors: Eldebert Köb, Rosita Rechberger, Jérôme Sans

Illustrations: Black/White
Pages: 296
Graphism: Clemens Schedler, Büro für konkrete Gestaltung
Format: 23cm x 31cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: Kunsthaus Bregenz, FRAC Bourgogne, CAN, 1999
Price: sold out


New York / Berlin. Atelier de la Confédération 1997-98, 1999

Artists: Theresa Hubbard et Alexandre Birchler, Ana Axpe
Authors: Pierre-André Lienhard, Christophe Blaser & Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 68
Graphism: Francis Baudevin and the artists
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: Office fédéral de la Culture, 1999
Price: CHF 12.-

Sans titre – Harald F. Müller, 1999
Edition Pigments and acrylic on wood, metal

Artist: Harald F. Müller

Pigments and acrylic on wood, metal
7 copies
Format: 75cm x 40cm x 24.5cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out

Ala Sinistra – Gianni Motti, 1999
Edition Color photograph

Artist: Gianni Motti

Color photograph, 11 copies
Format: 48cm x 60cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out

New York / Berlin. Atelier de la Confédération 1995-96, 1997

Artists: Claudio Moser, Eric Hattan
Authors: Pierre-André Lienhard, Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 68
Graphisme: Francis Baudevin and the artists
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: Office fédéral de la Culture, 1997
Price: CHF 12.-

Non! Pas Comme Ça!, 1996
Publication Exhibition catalog

Artists: Urs Aeschbach, Aziz + Cucher, Marc Chevalier, Piotr Dluzniewski, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Noël Dolla, Patrick Everaert, Fischli & Weiss, Janine Gordon, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Claudia di Gallo, Inez van Lamsweerde, Philippe Mayaux, Paul McCarthy et Mike Kelly, Gianni Motti, Philippe Ramette, Christian-Robert Tissot, Ugo Rondinone, Stéphane Steiner
Author: Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Black/white
Pages: 8
Graphism: Atelier Fhugue création
Format: 10cm x 14cm
Language: French
Edition: CAN, 1996
Price: CHF 15.-

Faveurs Suspendues – Christian Robert-Tissot, 1995
Edition Silk-screen on forex

Artist: Christian Robert-Tissot

Silk-screen on forex, double-sided
20 copies
Format: 18cm x 110.5cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out

Ça Vous Regarde – Christian Robert-Tissot, 1995
Edition Silk-screen on paper

Artist: Christian Robert-Tissot

Silk-screen on paper
75 copies
Format: 70cm x 100cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: CHF 100.-

Outsider – Christian Robert-Tissot, 1995
Edition Leporello, silk-screen on paper

Text: Christian Robert-Tissot

Leporello, silk-screen on paper, 2 colors
100 copies
Language: French
Format: 15cm x 128cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out


Is It Nice?, 1995
Publication Exhibition catalog

Artists: BP, Cercle Ramo Nash, Pierre Joseph, Art Keller, Philippe Mayaux, Philippe Ramette
Authors: Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Black/white
Pages: 37
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Language: French
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: CHF 8.-


Sans titre – Harald F. Müller, 1995
Edition Pigments et acrylique sur bois, métal

Artiste: Harald F. Müller

Pigments et acrylique sur bois, métal
7 exemplaires
Format: 75cm x 40cm x 24.5cm
Édition: CAN, 1995
Prix: épuisé


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In addition to exhibitions, events and activities, the CAN also produces its own publications and editions.

By adding the products you are interested in to your shopping cart and filling in the order form, you will be in contact with us, without any obligation to finalise the purchase. Please note that shipping costs are not included in the prices indicated, and will be communicated to you by our team during the ordering process.


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Denise Bertschi & Pedro Zylbersztajn: Export Quality Poetry (1924–2024), 2024

Illustrations: color
Pages: 137
Format: Soft cover, 16×24 cm
Languages: English and Portuguese
Design: Páginas (São Paulo, BR)
Publisher: CAN, 2024
Price: CHF 18.–, € 19.–

Jeanne Jacob: Tu vois je m’occupe de tes oignons, 2024
There are many ways to tell a story this is one of them

This first monograph on the work of artist Jeanne Jacob is published to coincide with the exhibition I just truly want to listen to you and myself genuinely, please doudou [Kiefer Hablitzel | Göhner Art Prize 2023] held at CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel in spring 2024. In the form of a personal archive, this publication brings together over 200 images of works created by the artist from 2018 onwards. Imagined in collaboration with the graphic designers of 7er Studio, the book brings together fragments and details of paintings, drawings, texts, documentation of exhibitions and performances, and studio views. The book begins with a handwritten letter from Jeanne Jacob, the first lines of which appear below:

There are many ways to tell a story
this is one of them

Illustrations: color
Pages: 356
Format: Soft cover, open thread stitching, inlaid poster, 11.5×16.5 cm
Languages: French and English
Design: 7er Studio
Publisher: CAN, VfmK and Jeanne Jacob, 2024
Price: CHF 18.-

Isabelle Andriessen: DORM, 2022
Catalogue of the exhibitions DORM (2021) et BUNK (2021)

Isabelle Andriessen investigates ways to physically animate inanimate (synthetic) materials in order to provide them with their own metabolism, behavior and agency. Her sculptures are agents inhabiting the liminal space between sculpture and performance, composed of materials that act and evolve, seemingly beyond control and often irreversibly. On the occasion of the exhibitions DORM (2021) and BUNK (2021), this publication brings together three distinct voices. Sci-f writer and art critic Mark Von Schlegell contributes a short story in which an engineer is trying to locate a lost AI as a spaceship hurdles of course. In an autonomous photo series photographer Nikola Lamburov reimagines Andriessen’s sculptures, capturing their processes in sticky, eerie and surreal landscapes. Through fractals, liquids, vapors and metals, curator Laura McLean-Ferris’s essay traces the state changes that are enacted across Andriessen’s works, and in doing so finds systems of porous entanglement that flourish in a world without humans.

Texts by Mark von Schlegell, Nikola Lamburov, Laura McLean-Ferris, Becket Flannery

Illustrations: color
Pages: 120
Format: Softcover, 24×30 cm
Language: english
Graphism: Sabo Day
Edition: CAN, Mousse Publishing and Isabelle Andriessen, 2022
Price: CHF 28.– / € 27 .–

La psychologie des serrures, 2021
Catalogue of the exhibition La psychologie des serrures

This catalog brings together texts and images from La psychologie des serrures, an exhibition conceived in collaboration with the gallery Sans titre (2016) and the CAN team. It brought together during the winter 2020–2021 the works of Hadas Auerbach, Alex Ayed, Robert Brambora, Zuzanna Czebatul, Manuela Gernedel & Fiona Mackay, Jacent, Sarah Margnetti, Hamish Pearch and Ruiz Stephinson.

Illustrations: color/black-white
Pages: 152
Format: 20×14 cm
Languages: french/english
Graphism: Claudia Mougin
Edition: CAN, 2021
Price: CHF 18.- / € 15.-

Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge, 2021
Magazine-guide accompanying the exhibition Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge

Publication that accompanies the eponymous exhibition open from June 26 to August 8, 2021 at the CAN. This heterogeneous magazine-guide proposes an alternative approach of the different practices of the contributors. With various appendices and a dedicated web page, it links images, texts, videos and audios that extend the development of their proposals and explain their questioning.

Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge is the second occurrence of a project initiated in 2019. Now tinged with a subtitle, it indicates a cosmological tendency, partly real, partly metaphorical; oriented perhaps less towards our lakeside pleasures, perhaps more towards our current drifts. A mixture of nightmares, growth and sometimes uneasy nostalgia, this new installment sweeps away notions of idleness and relaxation, to make room for disturbances, atrocities, struggles, severed heads, but also hope, community and non-human.

Artists: Apian (Ellen Lapper and Aladin Borioli), Yves Blanc, Early Labyrinth & Sol Calero, Marie Griesmar/rrreefs, Renaud Loda, Raphaëlle Mueller, MACACO Press (Sabrina Fernández Casas and Patricio Gil Flood), Colin Raynal, Francisco Sierra, Jan van Oordt, Holly White + Guests


Illustrations: color
Pages: 96 + annexes
Format: 16,5 x 22,5 cm
Languages: french/english
Graphic design: AMI – Adeline Senn, Martin Maeder
Edition: CAN, 2021
Price: CHF 5.–

Knives, 2020
Ceramic edition created by the artist Hadas Auerbach


Hadas Auerbach produces an edition of 23 copies as part of the exhibition La psychologie des serrures.
Each copy is unique, handmade by the artist.

See the complete list: PDF

Hadas Auerbach, Knives, 2020
Edition 1–23/23
Ceramic and enamel
Variable sizes
Price: CHF 220.-

Sympathie, 2020
The temporal synthesis of the evolutionary and challenging exhibition questioning the very role of the art center (each work is presented by photographs taken during all the phases and transformations of the exhibition).

The exhibition Sympathie should be read as the acclimatization period for the new CAN team, who arrived in autumn 2018. Accompanied by a group of artists and supportive collaborators, its members have questioned the role of the art center and worked together on its symbolic reorganization. This publication reflects the range of perspectives offered by this evolving project. Each work is presented by photographs taken during all the phases and transformations of the exhibition; they reflect its temporality through chronological sequencing and compose together a unique archive.

Artists: Battle-ax, DaVaD MiRoRiM, Livia Di Giovanna, Dany Digler aka Trash Mantra, Fez Momo, Frédéric Gabioud, Michèle Graf & Selina Grüter, Antoine Guay & Jony Valado, Anne Sylvie Henchoz, Sara Ivone, Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Sophie Jung, Sonia Kacem – Bea McMahon, Mister Milano, Musique Chienne, Jeremy Nedd, Blaise Parmentier, Guillaume Pellay, Belle Poudre (Dirk Bell et Reto Pulfer), Marion Ritzmann, Denis Savary, Anaïs Wenger, Y Otras Chicas, Sophie Yerly

Illustrations: color
Pages: 88
Format: 21,4 x 31 cm
Languages: french/english
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2020
Price: CHF 24.-

Indice Ultraviolet, 2020
The questions, experiences and knowledge assimilated during the Indice Ultraviolet project.

Project Indice Ultraviolet took place from June 5th to July 6th 2019.

Marie-Morgane Adatte, Caroline Busta, Maëlle Dreier, Théo Fischer, Marie Griesmar, Gino, Daniel Keller, Renaud Loda, Andrea Marioni, Maud Oïhénart, MACACO Press (Sabrina Fernández Casas et Patricio Gil Flood), Julia Perazzini, Colin Raynal, Sun Cousto, Liza Trottet

Illustrations: color/black-white
Pages: 224
Graphism: Julien Fischer
Format: 15 x 20 cm
Language: french
Edition: CAN, 2020
Price: out of stock


Room 4, 2020
Stools (40 numbered copies) used as seating for the sound performance program of the Room 4 project

This edition of 40 stools was conceived by Lucas Uhlmann as part of Room 4, a space dedicated to sound performances between the 22nd of November and the 14th of December 2019 in the CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel. The stools were made available to the public around the bar and in the concert room as part of a whole environment. They now remain as the relics of intangible moments shared between the audience and the artists.

Artist: Lucas Uhlmann
Dimensions: H 82cm – W 55cm – L 33cm
CNC Machining: Laporch sàrl, Bussy-sur-MoudonLacquering: Busch SA, Morrens
Packaging: Bourquin SA, Couvet
Graphic design: Current
Edition: CAN, 2020
Price: CHF 140.-


Mosset/Christophe, 2019
The singer Christophe set interviews of Olivier Mosset to music, made and cut by Marie Villemin and Martin Widmer.

The idea for this outstanding project was inspired by Christophe’s piece entitled «interview de» in which the whimsical singer uses his own interviews to transform them into a song. This system has been used by Christophe several times in his career. When in 2017, Marie Villemin and Martin Widmer worked on Olivier Mosset’s exhibition project, they became aware of the importance of the interviews conducted by the painter and decided to focus on this aspect of the artist. They then think back to this work by Christophe and, after several adventures, they contact the singer and send him an audio assembly consisting of cut-outs of interviews they had conducted with Olivier Mosset. To their great surprise, Christophe agreed to work on the project and create a sound universe around the artist’s words. The disc is a maxi 45t composed of a side A which gathers the musical piece of about ten minutes, and a side B which receives a visual.

Launch : July 6th, 2019

Artists: Olivier Mosset, Christophe
Music and recording: Christophe
Vinyle Maxi 45t.
Format: 12″
Side A: audio 10 minutes
Side B: visuel
Cover art: Martin Widmer
Mixing: Olivier Leducq « Duke Salomon », Cosmos Studio, Paris
Mastering: Flo Kaufmann
Engraving: Flo Kaufmann
Production monitoring and pressing: Simon Riat
Edition: CAN, 2019
Price: CHF 25.-


Neo Geography, 2019
Publication based on the eponymous exhibitions organised at the CAN, Neuchâtel, and Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul, bringing together the work of six Swiss and Korean artists, as well as unpublished texts by Korean curators and theorists.

The encounter between two scenes, Swiss and South Korean. The occasion to rethink an exhibition format, the exchange between two art centres. These were the premises of Neo Geography I & II, a project involving three artists based in Switzerland – Chloé Delarue, Tatiana Rihs, Matthias Sohr – and three Korean artists – Yuri An, Hwayeon Nam, Jeehee Park. The six works produced especially for Neo Geography from the invitation of the curators Kyung Roh Bannwart and Adeena Mey to respond to their research, an attempt to go beyond certain curatorial contingencies. Its subjects were the architectural critics Sigfried Giedion and Young Bae Ahn whose textual and photographic montages drew a conceptual link between the two countries, the exhibition appropriating this exchange which, although it did not take place, offered a potential, actualised by the project.

Functioning both as the catalogue of the two exhibitions, at CAN and then at Post Territory Ujeongguk in Seoul in 2017, and including a series of texts by Korean curators and theorists, as well as by the project’s curators, this publication extends the research initiated around modernist thinking and the possibilities they offer to contemporary artists, between Switzerland and South Korea.


Illustrations: Color / Black-White
Pages: 176
Format: 17cm x 24cm
Language(s): English / Korean
Graphism: Notter + Vigne
Edition: CAN, 2019
Price: CHF 35.-


L’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses Expériences de guérison (box-set), 2018
A game of cards and strategy based on the experience of healing attempted for the 20th anniversary of CAN.

Catalogu of the exhibition L’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses transformed into a card game.

Artistes: Luke Abbott, Christian Addor, Tapes Adventure, Yvan Alvarez, David Amaral, Dorine Aguerre, Murmures Barbares, Kim Seob Boninsegni, AJIKA, David Ashby, Julien Baillod, Massimiliano Baldassarri, Kyung Roh Bannwart, Sacha Béraud, Tonino De Bernardi, Vanessa Billy, Blanktapes, Fabian Boschung, Lupo Borgonovo, Bruno Botella, Harold Bouvard, Giovanni Carmine (Kunsthalle St-Gallen), Les frères Chapuisat, Jérémy Chevalier, Henry Collins, Héron Cool, Marie Cool Fabio Balducci, Philippe Daerendinger, Tom Dale, Madame Dame, Sinner DC, Baudouin De Jaer, Dejode & Lacombe, Dany Digler, Camille Ducellier, Emmanuel Paxon Dupasquier, Eric Duyckaerts, Pia Epremian De Silvestris, Lugano Fell, Lionel Ferchaud, Fred Fischer, Laurent Flutsch, Luke Fowler, FU, Massimo Furlan, Adrian Gaille, Pierre Gattoni, Kester Güdel, H., Johnny Haway, Tarik Hayward, Ionic South, John Isaacs, Martin Jakob, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, François Jaques, Georg Keller, Markus Kummer, Renaud Loda, Francisco da Mata, Guy Meldem, Mental Groove (Olivier Ducret), Flavio Merlo, Metzger & Bauer, Wyrding Module, Nicolas Momein, Dr. Nezumi, Gyan Panchal, Papiro, Julia Perazzini, Matthieu Pilloud, Sam Porritt, Pùrpura, Léopold Rabus, Till Rabus, Nicolas Raufaste, Marco Repetto, Christophe Rey, Sylviane Röösli, Mario Sancho, Valerio Scamuffa, Fabio Scandura, Christian Schneider, Xavière Sennac, A. Spring, Aymeric Tarrade, Squares and Triangles, Javier Téllez, Swann Thommen, Brynjar Thorsson, Mélissa Tun Tun, Turbosieste, Uiutna, U-Zehn, Jean-Thomas Vannotti, Sebastien Verdon, Mélanie Veuillet, Serge Vuille, Christian Waldvogel, Galaxia Wang, Wildrfid, Yinsh, ZOV…

Concept: Bruno Botella & Arthur de Pury
Writing: CAN team & Bruno Botella
Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 2 games of 65 cards and 1 booklet
Format: 17cm x 20cm
Language: French
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2018
Price: CHF 30.-

Anything by the Smiths, 2018
Exhibition catalog

A look back at two of Jonathan Monk’s same shows at the CAN, 17 years apart in 2015 and 1997.

During the show that ran at CAN from 25 May to 6 July 1997, the press release announced the following: “Anything by the Smiths. In his way, going back over the founding myths of modern art, the young British artist Jonathan Monk conjures up by turns (and simultaneously, too, at times) Rock & Roll, football and pub culture. Aware of the themes in play, the artist smokes his last cigarette and bucks himself up by listening to the sound of waves in a shell. Here is finally a show that will fuel conversations in stadiums and bars (where the artist performs from time to time).”

Artists: Jonathan Monk
Author: Marc-Olivier Wahler
Illustrations: Color
Pages: 28
Format: 22cm x 32cm
Languages: French / English
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2018
Price: CHF 12.-


Bye-bye la compagnie, 2018
11 proposals from artist of the eponimous exhibition

This edition follow the Bye-bye la compagnie project, which took place from October 14 to December 15, 2016 in temporary place due to renovations at CAN.

Contents of the edition:
Massimiliano Baldassarri & Jean-Baptiste Ganne, Les deux faces de la même médaille, vinyl
Bruno Botella, Prémisses d’une conversion (des chiffres à la sauvagerie), publication, offset print
CAN team, Bye-bye la conclusion et colophon, photocopy
Mutual, Blog of Bye-bye la compagnie (excerpts), publication, photocopies
Mutual, Program of the Event of Bye-bye la compagnie, photocopy
FEC (Fraction Extrême Centre), Agiotage, print on typographic press Heidelberg
Fucking Good Art, Pascal Gielen about The murmuring of the artistic multitude, poster, offset print
Mohéna Kühni, Le canard mouillé, screen print on fabric
Renaud Loda, Balo, pebble hangraved
RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), Le Manifeste de la Richesse, poster, offset print
Sebastien Verdon, No Grain No Gain No Grain No Graino, publication, offset print

Illustrations: Color
Format: 32cm x 32cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: CAN, 2018
Price: open price

qotrob, 2017
Hallucinogenetic experiments and Persan lycanthropy

Artist: Bruno Botella
Authors: Bruno Botella, Daniel Heller-Roazen, Bertrand Thierry de Crussol des Épesse
Illustrations: Black/White
Pages: 224
Format: 12cm x 18.5cm
Language(s): French
Graphism: Jean-Marie Courant for Catalogue Général
Edition: CAN and Catalogue Général, 2017
Price: CHF 14.-

Serpent, 2015
Photographic work

Photographs by Martin Widmer, taken in the exhibition by Jonathan Binet Justesse et Quiproquo at CAN in 2014

Artists: Jonathan Binet, Martin Widmer
Author: Marie Villemin
Illustrations: Color
Pages: 48
Format: 23.5cm x 33.8cm
Languages: Français/Anglais
Graphism: Möslang & Möslang
Edition: CAN, 2015
Price: CHF 30.-

T-shirt l’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses, 2015

T-shirts produced during the exhibition L’Hospice des Milles-Cuisses in 2015

Colors : White / Grey / Yellow / Blue
Sizes : XS / S / M / L / XL
Design: Möslang & Möslang
Edition : CAN, 2015
Price : CHF 30.-

Superamas, 2014
Catalogue/coffret de l'exposition Superamas

4 booklets of the exhibition Superamas and vinyle of the concert by Damo Suzuki and the Fume au CAN.

Artistes: Bruno Botella, Marie Cool & Fabio Balducci, Bruno Jakob, Sarah Lis, Andrew Lord, Pierre Vadi, Maxime Bondu, Les frères Chapuisat, Markus Kummer, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Arno Pearl, Bénédicte le Pimpec, Sebastien Verdon, Mara Züst, l’équipe du CAN, Anna-Maria Bauer, Kim Seob Boninsegni, Ulla von Brandenburg, Philippe Daerendinger, Mark Divo, Fred Fischer, Lionel Ferchaud, Marie Hendriks, Jérôme Hentsch, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Gunilla Klingberg, Slavek Kwi, Jérôme Leuba, Alexandra Leykauf, Beat Lippert, Hazem El Mestikaway, Timo Nasseri, Peter Regli, Benjamin Valenza, Zimoun, Damo Suzuki and the Fume, Stephan Freivogel, Laurent Montaron, Nicolas Provost, Fabin Boschung & Renaud Loda, Jérémy Chevalier, Philippe Daerendinger avec Guy Meldem et Tatiana Rihs, Matthieu Pillod, Marion Tampon-Lajarriette, Sebastien Verdon

Authors: CAN team, artists
Illustrations: Noir/Blanc
Pages: 144
Format: 33cm x 33cm
Language: anglais
Photographies: Anton Satus
Graphism: Möslang & Möslang
Edition: CAN, 2014
Price: CHF 36.-

The Fourth Wall, 2013
exhibition catalog of the collectif_fact

This book was published on occasion of the exhibition The Fourth Wall at the CAN in 2013.

Artists: collectif_fact (Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet)
Authors: collectif_fact (Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet), collage of texts and extracts by CAN team
Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 47
Format: 19cm x 27cm
Languages: Français/Anglais
Photographies: Anton Satus
Graphism : Noémie Gygax
Edition: CAN, 2013
Price: CHF 15.-

Erratique, 2013
Book dedicated to the two versions of the work "Erratique" of the Chapuisat Brothers

Artists: Les Frères Chapuisat
Authors: Sacha Goerg, Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Arthur de Pury, Yves Rosset, Marie Villemin et Marie Léa Zwahlen

Illustrations: Color
Pages: 176
Graphism: Les Frères Chapuisat
Format: 17cm x 23cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: TATSA, 2013
Price: CHF 34.-

In Wood We Trust, 2013

Artists: Les Frères Chapuisat
Authors: Estelle Dorsaz, Sacha Goerg, Emmanuelle Lequeux and Arthur de Pury

Illustrations: Couleur
Pages: 176
Graphism: Les Frères Chapuisat
Format: 17cm x 23cm
Languages: Français / Anglais
Edition: TATSA, 2013
Price: CHF 34.-

Raphaël Zarka, 2012

Artist: Raphaël Zarka
Authors: Guillaume Désanges, Didier Semin, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Christophe Gallois

Illustrations: Color
Pages: 236
Format: 19,5 cm x 26 cm
Languages: French / English
Graphism: deValence
Edition: B42 2012
Price: CHF 15.-

RUN – Olivier Mosset, Christina Da Silva, 2012

Artists: Olivier Mosset, Christina Da Silva

DVD, 25 copies numbered and signed
Duration: 22’40”
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Format: 16:9 PAL
Edition: CAN, 2012
Price: 150.-



Les Héros de la Pensée, 2012
Transcription of a 26-hour conversation-performance

Complete transcription of the twenty-six hours of debates constituting the performance Les héros de la pensée. Proposed by Massimo Furlan and Clair de Ribaupierre organized by CAN at the Interlope bar. It started on January 21st 2012 at noon.

Artists : Massimon Furlan, Claire de Ribaupierre
Participants : Marc Augé, Pierre-Olivier Dittmar, Bastien Gallet, Emmanuel Giraud, Daniel Fabre, Jacques Hainard, Serge Margel, David Zerbib
Score : Baudoin de Jaer

Illustrations : Black / White
Pages : 612
Format : 16,5 cm x 24 cm
Language : Français
Graphism : Noémie Gygax
Edition : Massimon Furlan / Numéro23Prod & CAN, 2012
Price : CHF 34 .-

Common Assembly, 2011
Deterritorializing the Palestinian Parliament

The DAAR collective based in Beit Sahour in Cisjordania takes the Palestinian parliament building in Abu Dis as a paradigmatic example of the Palestinian situation. A booklet dedicated to this exhibition has been published.

Artists: DAAR, Decolonizing Architecture/Art Residency
Authors: DAAR, Decolonizing Architecture/Art Residency
Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 30
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Language: Anglais
Edition: CAN, 2011
Price: CHF 5.-


Summerlab – Hyperactivité, 2010
Exhibition's documentation and Programm

Authors: Arthur de Pury, Daniel Suter
Illustrations: Black/White
Pages: 34
Graphism: Sebastien Verdon
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: CAN et Marks Blond Project R.f.z.K, 2010
Price: CHF 10.-

BADD – Katia Bassanini, 2010

Artist: Katia Bassanini

DVD, 150 copies numbered
Duration: 43 minutes
Format: 16:9 PAL
Edition: CAN, 2010
Price: CHF 100.-


Phénoménologie de l’irrationnel, 2009
Monography of the artist Martin Widmer

Artist: Martin Widmer
Authors: Jean-Christophe Blaser, Christophe Doswald, Arthur de Pury

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 128
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Format: 17cm x 24cm
Languages: French / German
Edition: Analogues and CAN, 2009
Price: CHF 39.-

Eternal Tour 2009, 2009
XYZ art and science festival

Founded in 2007 in Geneva and recreated in Neuchâtel in 2008, the association Eternal Tour organizes every year a ten-day festival in different cities. Several general themes structure the association’s research: the notion of physical, geographical or conceptual borders; mobility and porosity; the cosmopolitanism of the 21st century and the representation of the Other.

This publication appears on the occasion of the 2009 edition of the Eternal Tour festival which took place in the canton of Neuchâtel.

Authors: Kader Attia, Donatella Bernardi et Noémie Etienne, Jean-Christophe Blaser
Artists : Kader Attia, Sammy Baloji, Davide Cascio, etc…

Illustrations: Colors / Black-White
Pages: 248
Graphism: Rollergirl
Format: 20cm x 26cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: Gilles Attinger SA 2009
Prix: CHF 35.-

Accélération, 2007
Exhibition catalog

Authors: Medhi Belhaj Kacem, Joël Vacheron, Marc Olivier Wahler, Patrick Weidmann

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 160
Graphism: Noémie Gygax
Format: 16.5cm x 23cm
Language: French
Edition: JRP/Ringier, 2007
Price: CHF 38.-

PAC, 2005

Artists: PAC
Authors: Manuel Polmar, Rein Wolfs, PAC, A+

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 39
Graphism: 9•6 Andreas Kreienbühl
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / Englisch / German
Edition: Societé Suisse des Beaux-Arts (SSBA), Schweizerischer Kunstverein (SVK), CAN, Kunstpanorama, Schwabe Verlag, 2005
Price: CHF 10.-

Felice Varini, 2003

Author: Jean-Christophe Blaser
Artist : Felice Varini

Illustrations : Colors
Pages : 6
Format : 15cm x 21cm
Language : French
Edition : CAN, 2003
Price : CHF 2.-


Carl André, Alan Charlton, Niele Toroni, 2002
Exhibition catalog

Authors: Olivier Mosset, Eva Meyer-Hermann et Michael Steger
Artists : Carl André, Alan Charlton, Niele Toroni

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 64
Graphism: Inox Graphic Design
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English
Edition: CAN, 2002
Price: CHF 19.50


5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 – CAN, 2000
Catalog of the CAN's exhibitions between 1995 and 2000

Artists: …
Authors: Marc-Olivier Wahler with contributions from Jean Collet, Alexandre Szames, Ivo Zanetti, Allan Kaprow and others authors of the section “Vivre l’art aujourd’hui”.

Illustrations: Colors / Black-white
Pages: 244
Graphism: Inox Graphic Design
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Language: French
Edition: CAN, 2000
Price: CHF 15.-

One Minute Sculptures – Erwin Wurm, 1999

Artist: Erwin Wurm

VHS, 20 copies
Duration: 5 minutes 58 seconds
Format: 4:3 PAL
Edition: CAN, 1999
Price: sold out


Deux sculptures avec hélicoptère – Roman Signer, 1999

Artist: Roman Signer

VHS, 100 copies numbered
Duration: 7 minutes 20 seconds
Format: 4:3 PAL
Edition: CAN, 1999
Price: CHF 100.-

Erwin Wurm – One Minute Sculptures, 1999

Artist: Erwin Wurm
Authors: Eldebert Köb, Rosita Rechberger, Jérôme Sans

Illustrations: Black/White
Pages: 296
Graphism: Clemens Schedler, Büro für konkrete Gestaltung
Format: 23cm x 31cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: Kunsthaus Bregenz, FRAC Bourgogne, CAN, 1999
Price: sold out


New York / Berlin. Atelier de la Confédération 1997-98, 1999

Artists: Theresa Hubbard et Alexandre Birchler, Ana Axpe
Authors: Pierre-André Lienhard, Christophe Blaser & Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 68
Graphism: Francis Baudevin and the artists
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: Office fédéral de la Culture, 1999
Price: CHF 12.-

Sans titre – Harald F. Müller, 1999
Pigments and acrylic on wood, metal

Artist: Harald F. Müller

Pigments and acrylic on wood, metal
7 copies
Format: 75cm x 40cm x 24.5cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out

Ala Sinistra – Gianni Motti, 1999
Color photograph

Artist: Gianni Motti

Color photograph, 11 copies
Format: 48cm x 60cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out

New York / Berlin. Atelier de la Confédération 1995-96, 1997

Artists: Claudio Moser, Eric Hattan
Authors: Pierre-André Lienhard, Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Colors
Pages: 68
Graphisme: Francis Baudevin and the artists
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Languages: French / English / German
Edition: Office fédéral de la Culture, 1997
Price: CHF 12.-

Non! Pas Comme Ça!, 1996
Exhibition catalog

Artists: Urs Aeschbach, Aziz + Cucher, Marc Chevalier, Piotr Dluzniewski, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Noël Dolla, Patrick Everaert, Fischli & Weiss, Janine Gordon, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Claudia di Gallo, Inez van Lamsweerde, Philippe Mayaux, Paul McCarthy et Mike Kelly, Gianni Motti, Philippe Ramette, Christian-Robert Tissot, Ugo Rondinone, Stéphane Steiner
Author: Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Black/white
Pages: 8
Graphism: Atelier Fhugue création
Format: 10cm x 14cm
Language: French
Edition: CAN, 1996
Price: CHF 15.-

Faveurs Suspendues – Christian Robert-Tissot, 1995
Silk-screen on forex

Artist: Christian Robert-Tissot

Silk-screen on forex, double-sided
20 copies
Format: 18cm x 110.5cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out

Ça Vous Regarde – Christian Robert-Tissot, 1995
Silk-screen on paper

Artist: Christian Robert-Tissot

Silk-screen on paper
75 copies
Format: 70cm x 100cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: CHF 100.-

Outsider – Christian Robert-Tissot, 1995
Leporello, silk-screen on paper

Text: Christian Robert-Tissot

Leporello, silk-screen on paper, 2 colors
100 copies
Language: French
Format: 15cm x 128cm
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: sold out


Is It Nice?, 1995
Exhibition catalog

Artists: BP, Cercle Ramo Nash, Pierre Joseph, Art Keller, Philippe Mayaux, Philippe Ramette
Authors: Marc-Olivier Wahler

Illustrations: Black/white
Pages: 37
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Language: French
Edition: CAN, 1995
Price: CHF 8.-


Sans titre – Harald F. Müller, 1995
Pigments et acrylique sur bois, métal

Artiste: Harald F. Müller

Pigments et acrylique sur bois, métal
7 exemplaires
Format: 75cm x 40cm x 24.5cm
Édition: CAN, 1995
Prix: épuisé