Project Project

Indice Ultraviolet: Out

Festival d’art contemporain

Full programme

Indice Ultraviolet: Out is a contemporary art festival proposed by CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel. Over three days, May 5-6-7 2023, performances, concerts, walks and readings are scheduled in downtown Neuchâtel, in the public space or in collaboration with the several neighbouring establishments.

This is the third part of a bi-annual cycle of events whose title Indice Ultraviolet refers to the scale for measuring the intensity of the radiation of a part of the electromagnetic energy emitted by the sun. It serves here as a symbolic measurement tool of the state of our ecosystem: the various social, economic, ecological and political crises we are currently going through. Without pretending to cover them exhaustively, the intention is to evoke their existence and their consequences as well as the questions that surround them. This year, accompanied by the subtitle Out, it refers to, among other things, the Seyon river which, in the past, split the city of Neuchâtel and sometimes burst its banks, causing disasters and illnesses, to the cyanobacteria that appeared on the shores of the lake during the particularly hot summer of 2020, restricting the pleasures of human and canine bathing, or to the energy saving measures of the winter of 2022-2023, which recommend the extinction of public lighting between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. Taking place outside the wall, this third part is even more in tune with the local community than the previous ones, seeking contact with the neighbourhood and inviting itself into the streets of downtown.

With its way of mixing lightness and seriousness, we can imagine Indice Ultraviolet: Out as a parade against the disarray, as a magic shield against the dull anguish that can sometimes overwhelm us, and even – why not – as a vegan capsule with antidepressant effects.

Access to the entire festival is free.


All the week-end
(Fr 5–8pm, Sa 11–6pm, Su 11–6pm)

Jan van Oordt, Diffusion sonore, Zion Corner
Francisco Sierra, Zion Corner
Alex Ghandour, Histoires de glaces, Distribution de glaces et de récits des montagnes, Zone piétonne


Fr 05.05.23

Manuel Perrin, Superposition, Departure from Place des Pigeons, Bike tour of the Burgziehl milestones, 60′
If possible, come with your bike (some will be available on site)

Pamina de Coulon, FIRE OF EMOTIONS: PALM PARK RUINS (excerpts), Performance, spoken-word essay, Caveau du Bar King, 50′

Claude Wave, Concert (any wave), Caveau du Bar King, 45′

eggs and tiaras, Concert (electro – pop), Caveau du Bar King, 45′


Sa 06.05.23

Aladin Borioli, Une histoire visuelle de la ruche, Lecture/projection, Yoga Fabrik, 45’

la folle Avoine, Bleu Automne, Performed reading, With Elise Taiana and Pauline Ammann, Place des Pigeons, 60’

Early Labyrinth, Procession, With La chorale du chaos éthique, Zone piétonne, 40’

Pina Wood, PARCE QUE LES MAJORETTES FINISSENT TOUTES SOUS UN TAS DE BÛCHES OU DANS UNE BÉTONNEUSE, Drum Poetry / Staging of the debate, Zion Corner (start), 60’


Su 07.05.23

Rebecca Solari, Performance, Place des Pigeons, 25’

Hammer Band, Pentatonische Versenkung, Sound performance (Raphael Stucky & Andreas Thierstein), Cardinal, 30’

Robert Torche, Sound walk (with headphones), Proposed by Kopfhörer (Lionel Gafner et Laurent Güdel), Zion Corner (start), 30’

Ernestyna Orlowska, Make Your Body Your Machine, Performance, Place Agota Kristof, 25’


CAN team:
Martin Jakob, Sylvie Linder, Nicolas Raufaste, Liza Trottet, Sebastian Verdon